These are the objects compatible with bring and some other cheats. Spells: dispelmagic ectoplasm haste invoke lightning scrye (you have it by default) shield skullstorm Weapons: ghelziabahrstone (you have it by default) phoenix revolver (you have it by default) scythe shotgun speargun tibetianwarcannon To get the Molotov cocktail use woo. Ammo: bulletammo dynamite dynamiteammo ethertrap molotovammo phoenixammo phosphorusshellammo shotgunammo silverbulletammo spearammo Artifacts: aaronsjaw amplifier ancientartifact arcanewhorls goldsun health humanheart lightningrod manawell mercuryflask sextant timeincantation Keys: aaronsroomkey abbotkey bethanyroomkey bethanysgatekey chestkey eastwingkey energykey gardenkey goldkey josephsroomkey kitchenkey lighthousegatekey monasterykey priestkey seachestkey servantkey silverkey studykey towerkey trapdoorkey widowswatchkey workroomkey In most cases you won't be let into the room before the appointed time even with a dozen keys in your pocket. Something strange... I've never met these things during the game. They must have been left out in the final version. chapelkey firefly goldflask incantationofsilence lantern lockerkey mindshatter mistflute montoheart oneiroskey powderofsiren powerword sand scarrowink scroll shalasvortex sleedseed stalkerlure translocationscroll ward wizardeye |
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