Easter Eggs

Cheat Codes
During the game hit "Tab" and enter the desired code.

addall - gives all weapons and spells.

aerial - activates walking on the air (walk returns to normal state).

astral - activates walking on the air + going through walls (walk returns to normal state). You won't be able to enter a room without a key because the new scene won't load, but this code is useful when looking for secret areas on current map.

ampattspell - amplifies the active spell (deampattspell has the opposite effect).

assall - creates a donkey :)

becomelight 1 - increases lightness (0 instead of 1 darkens the scene again).

behindview 1 - switches to "third-person view" (0 instead of 1 switches back to "first-person").

bring # $ - $ objects of class # (by default $=1) will drop literally from the clouds. Make a step forward - and the artifact is yours. You can also "bring" characters.

clive - they promised Super God Mode, but it didn't work.

castfire - sets fire to the character the cursor points at.

castglow - casts fluorescence on the character the cursor points at.

clearweather - stops snow/rain.

debughud - shows rather useful (for cheaters) information.

debugmsg - shows the name of current map and some comments.

eh - activates God Mode (repeated input returns vulnerability).

enemycrosshair - the cursor will remain red even aimed at a character (repeated input returns green color).

flight - activates flight ability (repeated input deactivates it).

forcehide # - makes object or character # invisible (but doesn't destroy it), unhide # returns visibility.

gibhim - destroys the character you are taking aim at (cannot be applied to bosses).

giveme # $ - gives you weapon or spell # (see Objects), $ - spell power (by default $=1).

gniydnu - in the UK-version of the game it's a secret level, in mine it didn't work.

infinitemana 1 - makes your mana constant (0 instead of 1 disables this property).

invisible 1 - makes you invisible (0 instead of 1 returns visibility).

mshat # - shatters your mind with intensity # (from 1 to 5).

open # - see start #

pie - restores mana after a spell.

raindance - starts rain (clearweather cancels).

renderweapon - removes weapons from screen (useful when making screenshots for wallpapers).

satan - they promised constant health, but it didn't work.

set # ? $ - a multipurpose command for changing parameters. # - the character, ? and $ - the parameter and its value (see showpawnnames). For example: if there are howlers and a trsanti named trsanti5 on the map, set howler enemy trsanti5 will set all the howlers on this trsanti. Two most popular variations of the code are shown below.

set patrick health # - sets your health to # (from 0 to 999, norm is 100).

set patrick mana # - sets your mana to # (from 0 to 999).

setgroundspeed # - sets your speed on ground to # (from 0 to 999, norm is ~ 400).

setjumpz # - sets your jump height to # (from 0 to 999, norm is ~ 300).

showactornames - shows the name of the object and its state (waiting, dying, etc.)

showall - shows all objects (useful when searching secret levels)

showfps - shows FPS.

showpawnnames - shows detailed information of the character.

showstealth - displays your visibility, produced noise, etc.

showtex - shows information of the surface texture.

slomo # - sets game speed to # (from 1 to 5, norm is 1).

snowdance - starts snow (clearweather cancels).

snuffpawns - deletes all characters.

start # - starts a new game from map #. From all your arsenal you'll have only the Stone, the pistol and Scrye. Please note that the map sometimes loads incorrectly, especially if you reload it several times during one game session.

timedemo 1 - shows time (0 instead of 1 hides the line).

woo - gives you Molotov cocktails.

woundpawn - makes the character you are taking aim at bleed. He won't suffer, but you'll be pleased with the sight :)

Copyright © 2003 Ambidexter
Hosted by uCoz